A few words from our new circular friends at Santos Organics. If you want to rethink the places that you shop for the benefit of the planet, then Santos Organics is a great place to start.

At Santos Organics, we know that the choices we make as retailers and consumers can have an enormous impact on the vitality and sustainability of our planet and its delicate ecosystems.
For us, caring for our land in natural, chemical-free ways is integral to the long term sustainability of our Earth and its resources and we also believe that educating and helping our customers make ethical choices in everyday shopping goes a long way in spreading this awareness. We value environmentally regenerative practices and are passionate about supporting our local farmers who grow organic fruit and vegetables that are free from synthetic chemicals, fertilisers or genetically modified organisms.
In 2016, we officially became a not-for-profit environmental organisation. As Australia’s first environmental organisation using food to fund environmental projects, this means that we are pioneering a new way of food retailing with every one of our shoppers also becoming an investor in a cleaner, healthier and more vibrant future. Over the years, our in-house Ethics team and ethical procurement guidelines have also ensured that our product range is well-researched and as healthy, ethical and sustainable as possible.
We also support measures that ensure the sustainability of our own business practices as well as the products we supply and the causes that we support. Sustainability and recycling in our stores is important to us, with everyday initiatives such as providing compostable bags for our produce and eliminating plastic packaging in our stores and cafes and requiring our suppliers to consider more sustainable packaging options.
We compost our fruit and vegetable scraps to be re-used by local gardeners and encourage our customers to bring their own bags while also offering reusable bags and free recycled packaging in all our stores. For National Recycling Week this November, we are looking forward to working with our local Byron Shire Council to educate our community about correct recycling and are also planning to introduce the amazing Terracycle recycling bins.
In order to ensure the longevity and health of our beautiful planet, we know that we must all work together to make this happen and that this process can only happen collaboratively and circularly - there really is no other way.